Feedback e-tivity 4
Dear all, don't know if you've noticed, but at the end of each e-tivity we like to summarize what has been accomplished in the e-tivity as feedback. Thanks to those of you (Christian, Diego, Pierpaolo, Mohamed, Letizia) who have started contributing to the wiki. You've done an excellent job approaching this new technology and have already inserted some information that could be very helpful for future potential Erasmus students. What about the rest of you? Hopefully you haven't done the e-tivity for time reasons rather than from fear of the technology (let me know if it's the latter and I'll help out!). We are all eager to see what you have to contribute!
However, you all seem to have a bit more trouble with changing the wiki entries. As I said in class, even if you don't feel expert enough to change the language, please do go add to the contents or correct existing contents where you find information is missing or incorrect. I will check your wiki pages periodically and leave indications (underlining, in red) where there are grammar mistakes. Then you can try and correct the mistakes I have highlighted, ok?
E-tivity 5 does not directly involve wiki but rather a discussion on our blog. However, please continue working on the wiki. For those of you who weren't in class today on the "Academics" page you will find lists of information from our brainstorming that needs to be expanded and completed. (For the groups who haven't posted it yet, let me know if you're having technical problems.)
I look forward to seeing contributions from ALL of you and to watching our wiki week we'll start thinking about audio!!!
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