Wednesday, May 31, 2006

E-tivity 7

Since the Internet gives us the possibility to be multi-media, why not add some audio to your blog? And of course, the best place to start is with your own beautiful voices ;-) First we’ll practice using audio on the course blog, then you can go play around with it on your personal blog.

All of you now have to become more industrious and technological: try to make an involving audio file and group revision! :-)

E-tivity 7: Recording your own voice

Purpose: To make an audio file discussing an experience you have had abroad … or one you would like to have and comment on each other’s experiences.

Task: Make an audio file (max. 2 min!) in which you speak about an experience abroad, e.g. people you met, places you visited, things you ate, what you saw and/or did, what you liked or didn’t like, etc. If you have never gone abroad or haven’t had any interesting experiences abroad, think about where you would like to go and explain why.

Talking to a computer is not easy or natural. Therefore, I suggest you write down some notes (not complete sentences!!!) outlining what you want to say before you record your voice.

How? You can open an account on (see e-tivity 6) or record your voice as an mp3 on your cell phone or mp3 player and then upload it to blogger.

When you send your post with the audio to our course blog please make the subject: Yourname vocal message, e.g. Sarah’s vocal message.

Respond: Listen to each other’s vocal messages and choose 2 of them you are interested in replying to. Make two other audio files with your responses. You respond to the contents, I can give you feedback on pronunciation and accuracy! Post them to the course blog and make the subject: Yourname reply to Student’sname, e.g. Sarah’s reply to Giovanni.

Timeline: Task - Wednesday, May 31 – Sunday, June 4, Respond – Monday, June 5 – Wednesday, June 7

N.B. In your “free time” :-) try adding some audio to your own personal blogs!


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