e-tivity 7 (pierpaolo)
I couldn't use ODEO (it doesn't permit me to log in), so I recorded my audio file in an mp3 and put in my university webpage:
See you soon!
Welcome everyone to our course blog! This is an English course for engineering students at the University of Padua. This blog is the base for all of our online communications. "Buon lavoro" to my students and to the rest of you in the blogoshpere, I hope enjoy learning about us and feel free to comment :-)
I couldn't use ODEO (it doesn't permit me to log in), so I recorded my audio file in an mp3 and put in my university webpage:
Why aren't you able to log in? Does the system say your name or e-mail has been already taken?
If so, please let me know, I could help you!
Hope to hear from you very soon :-)
Wonderful message Pierpaolo - thanks for figuring out a way around Odeo. My favorite place in the world happends to be Ireland so I can only agree with what you've said. It's beautiful, the people are friendly, and their accents are fantastic!
Just two little language comments: 'conoscere' in the sense of 'incontrare per la prima volta' is only 'meet', an action, whereas 'know' is a state verb and means 'conoscere da tempo'; if you say "the food is not so good as in Italy" I can interpret "as" to mean "for example", so it might be better to say "not as good as" which is the correct comparison form.
Great pronunciation :-)
Keep up the good work!
I solved the problem with ODEO. Simply, as Lisa said in a post, I had to wait a time.
Thank you Sarah for correcting me! I always make confusion using the verb "to know"...
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