Sunday, June 04, 2006

e-tivity 7 (pierpaolo)

I couldn't use ODEO (it doesn't permit me to log in), so I recorded my audio file in an mp3 and put in my university webpage:

See you soon!



At 6/05/2006 11:59 AM, Blogger lisa said...

Why aren't you able to log in? Does the system say your name or e-mail has been already taken?

If so, please let me know, I could help you!

Hope to hear from you very soon :-)

At 6/05/2006 10:26 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Wonderful message Pierpaolo - thanks for figuring out a way around Odeo. My favorite place in the world happends to be Ireland so I can only agree with what you've said. It's beautiful, the people are friendly, and their accents are fantastic!
Just two little language comments: 'conoscere' in the sense of 'incontrare per la prima volta' is only 'meet', an action, whereas 'know' is a state verb and means 'conoscere da tempo'; if you say "the food is not so good as in Italy" I can interpret "as" to mean "for example", so it might be better to say "not as good as" which is the correct comparison form.
Great pronunciation :-)
Keep up the good work!

At 6/07/2006 12:46 AM, Blogger PD said...

I solved the problem with ODEO. Simply, as Lisa said in a post, I had to wait a time.
Thank you Sarah for correcting me! I always make confusion using the verb "to know"...


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