Lesson, Wednesday May 17th
Hello everyone,
A bit of a change in plans today. A professor from a polytech university in California is going to give a lecture on universities in America so I thought it might be useful for us to attend. So we're going to go do that at 1.00.
But first, I'd like you to take a quick look at a site created by Erasmus students and language students last year. They did a project similar to ours, i.e. creating useful information for Erasmus students coming to Padua. The Erasmus office was not willing to put a link to this site on their site because they said not all of the innformation was correct. What do you think? Do you think we could do a better job? Clean it up a bit? I've also spoken to my colleagues and asked if we could integrate some of their information into our wiki. Please look at the site and send a comment to this post answering one or more of the following questions:
- What are the strong/weak points of the site?
- What do you like/not like about it?
- Where is there overlap with what we're creating in our wiki?
- What information is missing in the site that you think we should include in our wiki?
For those of you who could not attend lesson today, please do the activity above - we'd love to know what you think too!
Just a reminder: next Monday I have a very important meeting all day so unfortunately I will have to cancel lesson. That means our next lesson will be on Wednesday, the 24th, in the lab at Maldura. Then next Thursday, the 25th, we will have interviews with Erasmus students (viedotaped!!!) from 2 to 4 - unfortunately I don't know where yet :-( Please let me know if you've got scheduling problems with these dates.
"Buon lavoro"
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