Wednesday, May 31, 2006

E-tivity 7

Since the Internet gives us the possibility to be multi-media, why not add some audio to your blog? And of course, the best place to start is with your own beautiful voices ;-) First we’ll practice using audio on the course blog, then you can go play around with it on your personal blog.

All of you now have to become more industrious and technological: try to make an involving audio file and group revision! :-)

E-tivity 7: Recording your own voice

Purpose: To make an audio file discussing an experience you have had abroad … or one you would like to have and comment on each other’s experiences.

Task: Make an audio file (max. 2 min!) in which you speak about an experience abroad, e.g. people you met, places you visited, things you ate, what you saw and/or did, what you liked or didn’t like, etc. If you have never gone abroad or haven’t had any interesting experiences abroad, think about where you would like to go and explain why.

Talking to a computer is not easy or natural. Therefore, I suggest you write down some notes (not complete sentences!!!) outlining what you want to say before you record your voice.

How? You can open an account on (see e-tivity 6) or record your voice as an mp3 on your cell phone or mp3 player and then upload it to blogger.

When you send your post with the audio to our course blog please make the subject: Yourname vocal message, e.g. Sarah’s vocal message.

Respond: Listen to each other’s vocal messages and choose 2 of them you are interested in replying to. Make two other audio files with your responses. You respond to the contents, I can give you feedback on pronunciation and accuracy! Post them to the course blog and make the subject: Yourname reply to Student’sname, e.g. Sarah’s reply to Giovanni.

Timeline: Task - Wednesday, May 31 – Sunday, June 4, Respond – Monday, June 5 – Wednesday, June 7

N.B. In your “free time” :-) try adding some audio to your own personal blogs!

Giovanni's solution

The solution of the riddle is:






Name of band



The Celeons

The Vagabonds

Bill Shark’s Band

Name of record


Take me there

I’m your Saint

Down and Out


Number of band members












Average age






Type of music






Now, I propose this riddle to you. Einstein wrote it early during the 19th century and he said 98% of the world could not solve it. According to me, it's not hard, you just need to pay attention and be patient.


Einstein's Riddle!

There are 5 houses in 5 different colors. In each house lives a person with a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar, or drink the same beverage.

The question is: Who owns the fish?


  • The Brit lives in the red house.
  • The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
  • The Dane drinks tea.
  • The green house is on the left of the white house.
  • The green homeowner drinks coffee.
  • The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
  • The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
  • The man living in the center house drinks milk.
  • The Norwegian lives in the first house.
  • The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats.
  • The man who keeps the horse lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
  • The owner who smokes Bluemaster drinks beer.
  • The German smokes prince.
  • The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
  • The man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water.
Have a good time!


Sunday, May 28, 2006

I'm sorry....

Hi mates! I only wanted to tell you that I can't attend classes this week because I am in Spain. So...I would be glad to do the e-tivities and to see you all next week.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Just a reminder: today, May 25th from 14 to 16 we will have interviews with Erasmus students. We will be meeting in Vicolo dei Conti, laterale di via 20 settembre, click here for a map. I created a new page in our course wiki with all of the questions you considered asking, if you want to take a quick look.

Hope to see you there!


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Giovanni's Question

My question are:
  1. Why have you chosen Padova?
  2. Which information have you used in your decision?
  3. Are you satisfied of your choice?
  4. What do you think about Padova? And about university?
  5. What is your first impression about italian young people?
  6. If you could come back, do you do again this choice?
  7. What is the best and the worst thing in Padova?
  8. What is the best and the worst thing in Padova University?


What it is like studying in Padua for Diego

Nice listening to everyone!

powered by ODEO

bye Diego

Enrico's questions

  • Why did you choose Padova to study abroad?
  • What was your first impression?
  • Did you meet your expectations?
  • Did you have/ Are you having any problems?
  • How's studying in your country? Easier/harder?
  • What do you like the most/ the least?
  • Have you found any Italian friends? How are thay?
  • Are you enjoing your staying here?
  • What do you think about Padova/ Unipd?

Questions to erasmus students (Pierpaolo)


  1. What did you think first when you arrived in Padova?
  2. Where did you sleep the first night? (Hostels, dormitory, friends....)
  3. What do you think about the organization of the International Office? Did they give you all the information you needed?


  1. Did you find home after your arrival here or before? How?


  1. Did you chose your courses (??) using the university's web pages? Did you find it easy with respect to your university?
  2. What do you think about the courses and the way they are managed? How do you find the relation with professors? What are the main differences with your university?


  1. What do you think about traffic in Padova? And pollution?
  2. What's your impression about services (buses, shops, city offices, health services,...)
  3. Do you think Padova is a “city made of students”? Do you think the town well answers to students needs? What do you think about the local non-student population?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Diego's questions to them

Probably I'll ask to them questions such as:
  • What were you expecting from your experience here in Padova? Have your expectations been satisfied?
  • What were your initial difficults? How did you solve it? (or Why weren't you able to solve it?). Did you received adequate informations? What do you think could be useful to you at the beginning?
  • What are your suggestions to make the first months easier?
  • What was your first impression about Italy? What did you like and what didn't you like at the beginning? Were your first impressions wrong? Is Padua better or worse than your first impression?
  • What were you worry about before come to Padua?
  • What's the best thing you've found here in Padua? And the worst?
  • Is Padua better or worse than the city where you was studying before? (as city and as univerisity)
  • If you could come back to the past, would you come back to Padova to do your Erasmus?
bye Diego

Audio activity with

Dear all,
next Wednesday coming we will see each others in classroom, I’ll be there to help you out with this audio activity if you need me :-))

Let me tell you something more on this pretty recent audio blog: ODEO.
The present Odeo, is a beta version, upgraded from an earlier beta version, and as such it might have mulfunctions :-(

So don’t worry if you don’t manage to enter the system, it my be due to the fact something is being fixed at that very moment. Don’t give up, please keep trying a bit later ;-)

Since most of you will be excellent future engineers ;-) , I expect you to let us kow about problems you might have encountered blogging in Odeo, commenting to this post.
Please, feel free to offer your views on further aspects if you want. Comments on accessibility, usability and layout of the site will be warmly welcomed too!

As you can tell from the picture above to sign up you have to enter:
name, e-mail address, password.

As for the name, I advise you to enter a fantasy name (the most common have already been taken ;-).
If you enter an already taken one you need a new e-mail address because you have to login again with another e-mail address!! So, please, be sure it might work since the beginning putting letters and numbers together, for example, and then keep it in mind or write it down somewhere :-)

See you soon

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

E-tivity 6: Getting ready for our interviews

As I have already told you in class, I thought it would be nice to add some multi-media material to our wiki, seeing that we’re online and digital and can do it. Besides pictures and some audio we are going to do, I thought it would be nice for you to exchange ideas with foreign students studying here in Padova to get an idea of what they think and what their impressions are. Therefore, next Thursday, the 26th, at 2 you are going to have the opportunity to do just that: interview Erasmus students (in Italian since that’s the language they’re studying) and they interview you in English, all the while being videotaped! This e-tivity is preparation for the interviews.

E-tivity 6: Getting ready for our interviews

Purpose: To reflect on what you want to ask the Erasmus students about their experience in Padua and what you might respond to their questions to you.


1 – Your questions to them. What are you interested in knowing about the experience of a foreign student in Padova? For example, Faculty, courses, relationships with professors, with Italian students, free time, the costs of living, etc. Please make a post with at least 5 questions you plan to ask them. (You will ask in Italian, but for the purposes of this exercise please write them in English!)

2 – What would you respond to the question: “What’s it like studying in Padova?” Please write a short reply to this question. For those of you who are more industrious and technologically inclined, try making an audio file!

Instruction for making an audio file:

Go to

If you already have an account, click on the window “wanna be a podcaster”?

and record some audio. If you don’t already have an account, first make one, then open odeo studio.

Once you’ve clicked there, you should see a window like this:

and click on “Record New Audio”.

This takes you to the recording studio where you can record your answer to the question “What is it like studying in Padova?”

Record your audio and save it.

Go back to your home page and click on the new audio you’ve created. On that page you should see something

copy the contents in the “Put this Audio on your Web site”, go to Blogger, create a post and rather than writing the post click on the html button and paste the html code you copied from odeo.

Publish the post, like always! You should see something like this (click on the play button, it works! You can hear my beautiful tongue twister!):

powered by ODEO

Confused? Sound like to much? Don’t worry, if you don’t want to do it, we can do it together in class on Wednesday.

Timeline: Wednesday, May 17 – Wednesday, May 24

Remember: Of course you also have the continuing task of updating the wiki, i.e. adding new contents and correcting current contents, and your blogs J Unfortunately, some of you have been a bit inactive in the wiki. This e-tivity is quite simple, so hopefully this, and the fact that we have no lesson on Monday, will give you time to work on the wiki.

Lesson, Wednesday May 17th

Hello everyone,
A bit of a change in plans today. A professor from a polytech university in California is going to give a lecture on universities in America so I thought it might be useful for us to attend. So we're going to go do that at 1.00.
But first, I'd like you to take a quick look at a site created by Erasmus students and language students last year. They did a project similar to ours, i.e. creating useful information for Erasmus students coming to Padua. The Erasmus office was not willing to put a link to this site on their site because they said not all of the innformation was correct. What do you think? Do you think we could do a better job? Clean it up a bit? I've also spoken to my colleagues and asked if we could integrate some of their information into our wiki. Please look at the site and send a comment to this post answering one or more of the following questions:
- What are the strong/weak points of the site?
- What do you like/not like about it?
- Where is there overlap with what we're creating in our wiki?
- What information is missing in the site that you think we should include in our wiki?

For those of you who could not attend lesson today, please do the activity above - we'd love to know what you think too!

Just a reminder: next Monday I have a very important meeting all day so unfortunately I will have to cancel lesson. That means our next lesson will be on Wednesday, the 24th, in the lab at Maldura. Then next Thursday, the 25th, we will have interviews with Erasmus students (viedotaped!!!) from 2 to 4 - unfortunately I don't know where yet :-( Please let me know if you've got scheduling problems with these dates.

"Buon lavoro"


Monday, May 15, 2006

Pros and cons of studying in Padova (Pierpaolo)



What I love of living in Padova is that Padova is a small town and it’s made of students. I mean, almost half of the population are students and it is easy, therefore, to meet people and to relate with them. If you want to meet someone who lives in the town it is probably not so difficult to do it and this person lives probably very close to you. In Padova everything is near and it is sufficient to use a bicycle to move around the town.

Padova has got a beautiful city centre and beautiful squares like Prato della Valle and it is reach of historical monuments.

The quality of teaching is very good and generally professors are good in teaching and do their job. seriously. Usually the University of Padova gives to the students good possibilities to go and study or work in foreign countries; moreover, there are a lot of foreign students who come to Padova to study and that’s a good way to share experiences and to know different cultures without going too much far away.

There are several services for students like study rooms, cafeterias or dormitories which are good managed and usually cheap. So it is not so expensive to live and study here.


The possibilities of entertainment are not proportioned with the quantity of students. Really there is not so much to do in Padova during the night. I mean, there is not variety and the choice is quite small.

University of Padova is not campus based, but this is not a big problem considering the dimension of the town. But, in my opinion, the big problem is moving through the traffic and breathe the pollution of Padova! It is impossible to breathe in certain hours of the day...

Looking at the way of teaching, I think that the approach is too much theorist and, talking abut scientific faculties, there is a lack of laboratories. Normally in foreign countries students do much more practice during their university years.

The organization in the university is sometimes good, many times bad. Many times a student doesn’t know what to do because there are no answers to his questions! I think the administration is a little bit chaotic and not so efficient.

Last thing, the relation with professors is very informal. I think there is too much hierarchy in the university and sometimes some professors think they are something very close to a god... ;)

That’s all! See you soon!

Pros and cons of studying in Padova

Why should someone study at Padova?
First of all it's one of the most famous and oldest University in Italy.There are many faculties and courses. If you choose faculties as Engineering or Economics you're gonna find old-fashioned lesson and strict professor that will give you a wide education. Lesson are face to face and you can do an exam twice if you couldn't have done it during the course. Exams are both written or oral, because in Italy students often copy from each other. There's no campus since the Univerisity is spread all over Padova, this could be a problem whether you have a lesson in a department and the next one in another department. If you like sports you can join CUS, and use the sport structures of the University. At Padova and in its suburbs there are a lot of pubs, discos and more.
There are some problems too: first of all the typical Italian disorganization: you have to queue a lot to have papers and documents, then it's hard to find and speak with a professor and the schedules are often awkward.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

What Diego thinks about studying in Padua

Interesting question for me, because I’ve changed 2 universities and 3 degree programs during my amazing academic career:-p

The most enjoyable thing I've found in Padua is the city. Padua is in fact an university city, and most its activities are “student-size”. It is not too much expensive, so us poor students can afford a lot of things. A lot of students associations and free parties make the night life very enjoyable, and above all cheap! Moreover Padua it’s a beautiful mid-size city, this meanings easy life for us poor students with our rusty bicycles (illegally bought near the station for few euros…). There are a lot of bicycle runways around the city too, it’s a very good thing.

Foreign people (especially from the UK and the USA) are astonished by Italian universities because usually they aren’t concentrate around a campus. In Padua it’s quite true too, but there are some areas that are campus-like (e.g. Agripolis, Engineering/ Psychology/ Science/ Pharmacy, Arts and Philosophy). However a spreaded university structure it’s not always a bad thing in a mid-size city as Padua, because so everything is University and everyone is a student!!! This is particularly true getting around the old city.

I studied for some months in Milan, so trust me when I said that living&studying in other bigger cities is not enjoyable as study here in Padova! NOTHING I’ve just said about Padua is true in Milan for example! Okok maybe Universities in Milan are a bit more campus-structured than Padua, but they are so structured because they are under the siege of thousands of cars and smog clouds!!!

Ok, Padua it’s a perfect city where to study, but what about didactics??? Here the problems start… Padua is a university with a strong tradition. There a lot of high quality faculties (e.g. Engineering, Science, Psychology), and IMHO (“in my humble opinion”) a student that gets his degree in Padua will have good opportunities in his future. The main problems are:

  • student’s laboratories aren’t too much and they aren’t always the best.
  • didactics is often rigid and based on a frontal way of teaching, with only few laboratory activities and projects.
  • few extra didactic activities (e.g. summer projects, competitions etc…)
  • to much heavy theorical exams and too much little more useful practical activities

Nevertheless in my opinion these defects are common in the whole Italian university system…


Pros and cons of studying at the University of Padua

I thought about the reasons why I chose this university some years ago. I knew that it is one of the best universities in Mechanical Engineering and the Engineering course was born many years ago,and now it has a great background and it achieves a high relevance.
Studying in Padua has whether advantages or disadvantages. I try to do a list according to my experience during these five years in Padua.
- there are many courses (facoltà) but the most important are Engineering, Medicine, Law and Physical for their history and relevance in the academic society
- the professors (for Mechanical Engineering) are professional and very communicative because they are able to transfer their knowledge in a way that every student can understand.
- there are a lot of extra activities (e.g. sport and music)
- there are active student associations
- there are many libraries where you can find every kind of book
- quite expensive
- the transports aren't efficient
- some buildings are old and few classrooms aren't comfortable

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Feedback e-tivity 4

Dear all, don't know if you've noticed, but at the end of each e-tivity we like to summarize what has been accomplished in the e-tivity as feedback. Thanks to those of you (Christian, Diego, Pierpaolo, Mohamed, Letizia) who have started contributing to the wiki. You've done an excellent job approaching this new technology and have already inserted some information that could be very helpful for future potential Erasmus students. What about the rest of you? Hopefully you haven't done the e-tivity for time reasons rather than from fear of the technology (let me know if it's the latter and I'll help out!). We are all eager to see what you have to contribute!
However, you all seem to have a bit more trouble with changing the wiki entries. As I said in class, even if you don't feel expert enough to change the language, please do go add to the contents or correct existing contents where you find information is missing or incorrect. I will check your wiki pages periodically and leave indications (underlining, in red) where there are grammar mistakes. Then you can try and correct the mistakes I have highlighted, ok?
E-tivity 5 does not directly involve wiki but rather a discussion on our blog. However, please continue working on the wiki. For those of you who weren't in class today on the "Academics" page you will find lists of information from our brainstorming that needs to be expanded and completed. (For the groups who haven't posted it yet, let me know if you're having technical problems.)
I look forward to seeing contributions from ALL of you and to watching our wiki week we'll start thinking about audio!!!


E-tivity 5

I have several British and American colleagues who decided to send their children to study in the UK or in America even though it is much more expensive and it meant having their children far from them because they didn’t want to their children to study in Padua or in Italy. Do you think they made the right choice? What would you do?

E-tivity 5: Pros and Cons of studying in Padua

Purpose: To reflect on the what, in your experience, are the reasons why someone from outside of Padua should make the effort to come to study in Padua, or why they should not.

Task: Stop and think. What have you enjoyed about studying here in Padua, e.g. certain courses, professors, fellow students, etc.? What do you think this University has to offer students. What has been difficult for you, e.g. disorganization, certain courses, difficult professors, unfriendly people, etc.? In this e-tivity you should discuss the pros (advantages) and cons (disadvantages) of studying at university in Italy.
Please send a post to the course blog in which you explain what you think are the pros and cons of studying at the University of Padua. Consider academics, student life, costs, etc.

Respond: Read the other students’ replies. Find at least one pro and one con you disagree with (min. 2 disagreements). Send a comment to the blog posts you disagree with explaining why you disagree.

Feedback: This time it won’t be me or Lisa providing feedback. Upon completion of this e-tivity, I will ask two of you to make a summary of our pros and cons so keep up with the e-tivity, you never know if I might choose you ;-)

Timeline: Task - Wednesday, May 10 – Sunday, May 14 ; Respond – Monday, May 15 – Wednesday, May 17

Remember: Of course you also have the continuing task of updating the wiki, i.e. adding new contents and correcting current contents, and your blogs. :-)

Summary e-tivity 3

Dear all, I have been visiting your personal blogs and during my blog tour I really enjoyed myself.

My tour starts from a general blog like Letizia’s blog that does not focus on a single topic. It is an "omnium –gatherum" that is a repository she uses to list her interests: cartoons (she strongly recommend to watch Ice Age, the Meltdown) and comic strips of Calvin and Hobbes. Last but not least, she gives us the recipe of the fabulous Sacher cake!

Fortunately, she is not the only one who tries to catch our attention through tasting things though!

Carlo dedicates his blog to wine and entitles it "Venetian Wine – rather than only water" ;-)
He speaks about refined and splendid wines coming from his own region Veneto (Bardolino, Soave and Recioto) and from Romagna (Sangiovese). To him, drinking is not certainly a vice but simply a pleasure that everybody should try because it is a "little fable inside everything" and there in no need to be a professional taster to discover the smell, the taste and the colour of wines.

Besides the art of cooking and drinking in our blog tour could not miss the art of music!

Pierpaolo who is fond of it, is meant to use his new blog as a diary probably because he already owns one where he keeps his Erasmus Jam adventures. Actually he loves arts in general because "art may speak without saying a word through images and music"..isn’t it philosophic ;-)

Let’s move from philosophical styles to ironic ones and speak about Diego’s blog. He warmly welcomes us with a funny title "Mysticfry" and gives us an amusing set of FAQ about his blog and his future profession as engineer :-)

Differently, Barbara entitles her blog referring back to what she has read but seen. She likes manga and anime and it is just from a manga book she takes her blog title "ichaichaparadaise" which stands for "make out paradise". She is mysterious in revealing the book content, though, for it’s reserved to adults only :-

Enrico follows suit, he loves animes too and names his blog "Scanti Anime Blog": he lists the animes he watches with images and description of the episodes and adds the internet sites from he usually downloads them.

Even Giovanni likes reading but he reads books rather than comics or anime episodes. Actually he says he devours them. When he is on holidays he "eats" them till he feels stuffed ;-)

After so much reading, how about ending this blog tour thinking to some resting summer holidays? Ermanna has dedicated her blog to the search of original, funny and low cost destinations and invites us to give her advices for some exotic places.....

....hopefully Christian, who comes from a pretty tiny village, Rivamonte Agordino (Belluno), gives us the marvelous idea where to spend them: among Dolomite mountains of course! He loves his mountains so fondly probably his beloved D girl live there too (?) ;-)


Taking a look at wikipedia and Anglo Saxon culture

Hello everyone, this is a post for today's (10 May) lesson. Before starting work on our wikis, we're going to take a look at the most famous wiki on the web, wikipedia. I've chosen entries that will give us insight into how studying in America and/or the UK is different from studying in Italy. In class I'll assign you groups, but here are the links. For those of you who will not be present today, please take a look at the links some time in the next week.
Have fun surfing!

group 1: American culture
group 2: University
group 3: College
group 4: Culture in the UK


Giovanni's blog is online

Hi everybody!
Finally I have a blog!
The address is


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Finally Diego is a blogger too!

Hi folks, finally I've got my personal blog too. What does it speak about? Nothing! However it's a begining! At the moment the only interesting things you could find are some comics about engineers:-p Enjoy!

bye, Diego

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

E-tivity 4: Let's wiki!

Now that we’ve become a bit familiar with the world of weblogs, let’s start exploring the world of wikis. A wiki is basically a virtual space (website) for collaborative writing, i.e. a place where we can “build” texts together. One of us makes an entry in the wiki, then the next person comes along and adds to, removes or in any other way edits what the first person has written, and so on. Our aim is to develop a wiki that talks about Student Life in Padova and that could be useful to prospective international students interested in studying in Padova. During today’s lesson we did a brainstorming activity (see previous blog posts for results) which we will develop in the wiki. If you have any difficulties or comments, please send a comment to this blog post.

A few references on wiki:

What’s a wiki: check it out at the biggest wiki on the web, wikipedia

Wikiquette: Editing someone else’s work can be a very productive exercise in collaboration and building knowledge, but it can also be a delicate procedure. The word “wikiquette” comes from wiki + the English word “etiquette”, i.e. how to behave appropriately. Check out wikipedia to read about how YOU should behave on wiki.

E-tivity 4

Purpose: To become familiar with our wiki and how it works. To develop the brainstorming activity started in class by starting to contribute to our course wiki.

Task: Log on to our wiki. On the left-hand side of the screen you should see a box that says “Recently changed”. In that box there is a list of pages and the word “more”. Click on “more” to see a list of all 9 editable pages. Choose one of the pages and click on that word. When you are in the page click on the word “edit” in the upper right-hand corner. Contribute to at least 2 wiki pages. As I said in class, for now sign your name.

I’ve included your work from the brainstorming activities in the pages, but feel free to delete what I’ve written. Tips: Keep it simple and informal!! You are writing for your peers in other countries, students like you whose first language is most likely NOT English. Be as objective as possible, but also make it friendly and personable. Do not use “I” and “we”, as you are giving information, not opinions. It’s often a good idea to write in Word or OpenOffice, then copy and paste your text into the wiki - that way you’ve got it spell checked and saved elsewhere :-)

Respond: Read the other students’ additions to the wiki pages. Add to or modify information in at least 2 of the pages other students have developed. Note: we are NOT commenting, we are editing. Please feel free to correct other students’ mistakes in English without commenting on them. If you are uncertain, put a comment in square brackets [] and I’ll let you know whether the comment was right or wrong. If you make additions, sign your name. If you make corrections, do not sign your name.

Timeline: Task - Wednesday, May 3 – Sunday, May 7
Respond – Monday, May 8 – Wednesday, May 10

N.B. I've uploaded a .pdf of this message onto our wiki if you want to download and print it!!!


Group: Christian, Enrico, Pierpaolo
  1. Location of the classrooms
  2. Leisure places
  3. About canteens
  4. About dormitory
  5. Social life
  6. Information about courses
  7. How to arrive in Padua
  8. How to move in the city
  9. Common Venetian words
  10. Rents and agencies
  11. usefull link
  12. CUS

An example: Student life at Warwick University

Today in class I tried to show you a video from the website at Warwick University but it didn't work. If you want some listening practice, it would be a good idea for you to check out these videos :-) I know you've got a lot to do already, but I promised I'd put this link on the blog. If you have any linguistic difficulties, i.e. something you don't understand, write a comment back to this message and I'll try and help out!

Here are some links:
Tour of campus (text)

Video on student life at Warwick University

Other videos


Monday, May 01, 2006

Pierpaolo's blog is online!

Hi to everybody! After a long long reflection on what would have been the subject of my blog I've come to a conclusion: for the moment there is no subject!
Better, the subject is And I have a lot of interests so...take a look at it!
See you soon, Pier